The Wimmera Tiger was built in Glen Iris, Melbourne, Australia over 10 years of hot summers and bitter winters. Many people offered advice and encouragment over the years however a few actively white anted the build (They know who they are, don't they Rod.)
A few thanks wouldn't go astray, perhaps starting with Raelene and Sean who so generously funded the project without so much as a raised eyebrow and to my gorgeous wife Anne, who long ago gave up asking, 'How much did that cost?'. Others include Mr Martin Ford, Hot Shot Computer Scientist who assisted with the website (code for 'made it work') and Oggy Jovanovich who provided the smart comments but not much else. Then there is the unsung superhero, Brad Jensen who sings in a band that won't book a gig and Mad Dan Johnson, engine expert who drives a turbo Ford (work that one out). I could add ex-world champion softball player Ashton Edwards, but I won't and there is also fellow Wimmera Boy Richard Valentine and Younger Glenn and even younger Alister. Big Glenny Shaw and Jean Eldridge worked the long hours as well.
In closing, perhaps a word on the origin of the term, "The Wimmera Tiger'. It's simple - the builder was raised on a wheat farm in the hot, dry Wimmera region of southern Australia which is the best wheat farming land on earth.
The MW V12 12 cylinder is named in honour of the Wimmera district of Murra Wurra which means 'Place of no water' in the language of the original owners of the land, the Wotjobuluk people. It was an accurate description especially around the time of the '67 drought when all the crops failed and the sheep either starved to death or were shot.
On Watch

Achtung Tiger
Old timers Young Bill and Paul Walkley ponder their next move after losing their hold on the Australian 175cc class motorcycle land speed record. Bill held the overall and 2 stroke record whilst Paul captured the 4 stroke record..